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07 4121 0999 |
Call our friendly staff to make a booking 07 4121 0999, click on the bookings button on the left hand side of the page, or
email [email protected] Address Ned Kelly's Motel 148 Gympie Rd Maryborough Qld 4650 Reception - is located to the right of the Little Monkeys Playcentre and Cafe, and service station - look for the office signs!. Please drop in and our friendly staff will assist you - Sharyn and Wayne Getting to Ned Kelly's MotelFrom Brisbane turn right off the Bruce Highway at the Maryborough exit, onto Gympie Rd. We are just 1.5km along on your right adjacent to the Neds One Stop Service Station and Little Monkeys Play Centre & Cafe. You can't miss the giant Ned Kelly statue
From Hervey Bay follow signs to Bruce Highway and Brisbane until you get to the corner of Ferry St. Follow that along we're on the left next to Little Monkeys and the giant Ned Kelly statue. From Bundaberg, via the Bruce highway, take the Central Rd Exit (2nd turn off to Maryborough ) and follow to the end of the road. At the T intersection turn right onto Gympie Rd and we are located 280m along, on the left next to Ned's One Stop Service station and Little Monkeys Play Centre and Cafe. Look for the giant Ned Kelly statue in our driveway. GPS: Latitude: -25.5533127 Longitude: 152.6752317 |